so guess what guys...officially we took posession of the new house today. yay! i'm now a part-time south-ender! so i'm excited about it, hopefully it doesn't start on fire, because that would be bad, and unfortunate. anywho, unicorns rock.
later gators
love raoul
later gators
love raoul
even though you now 'live' in the south end now, we all kno that you're just a wanna-be southender! POSER!
kara faith
ps. we (The Southenders United)will have to shun you for a period of 3 months and 2 days in order for you to fully be a south ender
fine then! i'll just shun you back kara! at least i have pink sparkly unicorn friends! p.s. my cat (the old grey/peach/white one) ran away, so if you see her, don't eat her...bring her to me...i want her alive.
later gators
love raoul
Yay! Jordan is here!!!!!
Hey jordan, we could shun the there!!!
...but not sara, she's cool!!
just joking jordan...thats alot of j's
hello, if you live in the north end you're shunned for even longer cuz you won't even make an effort to live in the south end (which, by the way, rocks some serious socks) and if you live in the middle of NOWHERE, well, i just don't even want to get into that, cuz that could take forever . . .
that's all i have to say about that.
ps: ALAYNA, WE MUST HANG OUT ON WEEKENDS NOW THAT YOU LIVE HERE!! only on weekends. no soup for you!
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