Friday, July 15, 2005


Hey homies!
so we're off to SEMP tomorrow morning at 4:30 in the morning (sarcastic yay). which will be fun, as i will either be really hyper, or really tired...maybe a little of column A mixed with a little of column B...who knows. anywho, try not to miss us too much, although i know it will be hard, seeing as we're wicked awesome and such...
please pray for us, and see you hopefully next saturday!
later gators


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Hi, Alayna! Or I guess 'Bye, Alayna! I know you aren't here in Regina anymore, but I guess once you come back and see the blog, then you will notice that I commented! Well, I'm hoping and praying that you have a really awesome time at SEMP! See you later!

12:21 PM  

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