Friday, September 09, 2005

Party @ Kara's!

hey everybody! there is a "get together" at my house at 6:30 tonight (friday) come. We're probably gonna play some ultimate and maybe some board games after. Bring food if you have any, and if anyone has a frisbee, that would be cool to bring...cuz i don't have one...


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Wow, what a fun party, Kara!

3:49 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

yeah, that's gotta be the BEST party i've been to...good times with noodle salad...and paper airplanes...

2:59 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

oh man, best party of my life. you know, i think that I'm a little bit more flexible now . . .

6:19 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Whoa, what did I MISS, when I was at that band thing? Seems like a lot! And I thought the party was fun for the time I was there!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

dude, i didn't even know about it, plus i was sick...don't worry though, i had a party with my cats and a bag of friskies...meaning i fed them, then did nothing for the rest of the night.

10:39 PM  

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