Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Can't Think of a Creative Title

So I just finished frying my brain by going back and reading the blogs/comments from this month. However fried my brain may be now, my soul was definitely encouraged. Everyone seems to be striving after God and that in turn encourages me and makes me want know Him more.

I've been struggling too lately about approaching people and talking about God. Some things were finally made clear to me: Fear shouldn't hold me back from doing what the Holy Spirit asks me to do. But my courage shouldn't override His voice, either. I know I can take something God teaches and run with it, instead of waiting for His command and His timing. God has a plan for everybody, and I may not know how long the next guy has to live, but I know God does. To me, that gives me a peace, knowing that it isn't our job to save someone---it's God. We're just simply asked to be obedient so He can use us in that process. I know sometimes I feel like I haven't done anything good if I haven't shared the gospel with someone. But God knows where they're at. He knows if they just need someone to listen, or if they need someone to share what Jesus has done. But I know I get impatient so much and I don't listen. Trusting God with my life, as well as others' lives, is very difficult for me. I know so many people who have heard of God and salvation, but won't choose it, and I feel like it's my fault. Sometimes I know I am too timid and hold back when I shouldn't, in which case it is definitely my fault. But I need to trust God more with the outcome.

We are to be courageous in Christ, not our campaign. That is something I have to work on quite a bit. I know that I am safe as long as I am in His will. Whether it turns out well or bad by my standards, if I know I did what God wanted me to, that is the only thing I need. However, there is no worse feeling than stepping out and doing something ahead of God, and knowing that I stepped out of His will, no matter how "right" it seemed. "All a man's ways seem innocent to Him, but motives are weighed by the Lord." Proverbs 16:2. That verse seems to keep popping up in my life. No matter how right something may seem to me, if it's not God's timing, it's wrong. I know sometimes my motives have been wrong—I've wanted to do something so I wouldn't feel as guilty, or so that I may feel good about myself, when my focus shouldn't be on me at all—my focus belongs on God. Still, I know, even if I mess up, God is bigger than me and my mistakes, and He is still sovereign. My prayer and hope is that I don't disappoint Him in the first place.

That was a bit of a rant, sorry guys, but that's some things I've been thinking about, and Josh's post on evangelism sparked a whole bunch of thought. Anyway, I would love to go to the park or anywhere and "relive SEMP" because I have missed out on a bunch. I want an opportunity to share Jesus! Whether that's at Wal Mart or with the neighbours. I'm going back into piano lessons next Tuesday, so if you guys could pray that I could be a witness to my piano teacher, that would be awesome. This is my last year with her, and I don't want to mess up what God has planned by any reluctance on my part.

Anyway, our company should be over in one minute, so I should really make my bed (Mom just reminded me for the second time) So I'll be going. I could yack on and on, but I won't. You guys are so encouraging, it's almost discouraging! Hopefully I'll see you all soon.


Blogger Sharilyn said...

No, I found it was just what I needed to read! I definitely struggle with some of the same things that you do! Thanks for posting, Caroline!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing that. I'm sure nobody will take you the wrong way.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so it's discouraging how we're so encouraging? is that a bad thing????

10:12 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

Your definetely right Caroline! I realize the importance of listening to God for the needs of others and waiting for God's timing. It's something that He's been teaching me alot over the past few weeks. I'm sorry if my post came across as "Let's go tell everyone about God like we just don't care", because my motive in writing it was to at least give people a nudge so that they realize as Mark 16:15 says that we need to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations." I hope we can all learn to do that lovingly and gently but the important thing is that we don't not do anything, or that we don't just stay silent all the time as you said. Thanks for adding to that, that's exactly what it needs. I'll write another one this month too, but hopefully with a little more tact! :)

9:39 PM  

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