Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Prayer Anyone?

So... a long time ago we were talking about going to the ledge and praying sometime. We all thought (or at least I thought) that it was a good idea.... but we haven't done it yet.

Why not?

I am now offically calling a prayer meeting tomorrow night at 7:00. Everyone should come and invite as many friends as you want!!! If you are coming... make sure you post.... so I don't get dissipointed if there is like three people that show up.

By the way... It's at the ledge... and ...hmmm....let's meet .... on the steps of the ledge!


Blogger Sharilyn said...

I'd like to be there, too! Chances are I'll more-than-likely be able to come!

11:53 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Yeah.... Nuts.... Sorry guys...I guess I'm Going to Martinsville too.

But... feel free to do it anyway! You don't need a lot of people to talk to God!

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just found your blog. Interesting stuff.

If you feel like it, have a look at my site stress relief exercise
There you will find stuff on stress relief exercise.

Maybe that intrests you?

12:09 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Weird anonymous people...anyways yeah Josh and I are coming tonight and we're bring Jen, Chantelle and Jessica so that's 5 people coming!

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Web Extra
I'm lovin' it. I'm psyched to get back to studying for my classes. Ugh. School is such a drag, man ... ASU Student Media AZCentral Meet the Blogger: Mickey Siegel This is the first of many blog entries that will soon be featured in the Blogs section this year.
Thanks for putting up this blog. I run a website about forex mini trading. If that interests you, visit if you get a chance - thanks again.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Whoa, where are all the Anonymous people coming from? So I just heard that some people are headed up to Martinsville! Good on ya, all y'alls! It's so awesome to know that VBS is going well (Well, I figured it was kinda implied that it's going good)! See ya later, all!

1:10 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Is it still on even though it's pouring rain????

5:42 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Guess so! I really liked that time, by the way . . . even though I got there kinda late! It's so awesome to be able to pray to God as we do! Sometimes I find myself taking that for granted, but at other times, I definitely feel a strong connection with Him! This was one of those times that I could for surely feel God's presence! He's so supremely awesome and loving! Wow, it's hard to even imagine how great and powerful He is!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

Thanks, to all who came. Let's all continue to pray for our government, municipally, provincially, and federally. We need to continue to pray for the lost in Regina, and for the church in Regina, that God would set a fire in our hearts for Him to reach the lost. Keep praying!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Yeah I totally agree dear brother! I had an awesome time praying outside of the legde...even though I was shivering and shaking from the coldness I felt so close to God just lifting up request and prayers to Him. I can't wait till tomorrow for another Prayer Meeting!

12:19 AM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

You Guys, that's so awesome that you still had the prayer meeting!

I think we should have another one tomorrow night for all of us who couldn't come on Friday. Prayer is always something we can do more. There is always soooo much we can pray about!

7:16 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

So . . . which night is "tomorrow night"? I'm so confuzzled! So would the prayer meeting be tonight? Hmmmm . . . I like the idea, though!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

hmmm...well, I was meaning Sunday night, but that didn't really happen. So, how about tomarrow (As in Tuesday? We have to sometime before I leave. Let me know what you think.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

OK, sounds good
When do you leave, again?

9:32 PM  

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