Friday, August 12, 2005


Hey guys and gals, I have a prayer request for yall. If you didn't know, tomorrow is my last day of work. I don't really like it and now I can do VBS. Which I am totally excited for. But I met this girl at my work. Her name is Vanessa and she is going into grade twelve. We talk whatever chance we get and I found out that her little brother goes to my new school- Regina Christian and is going into grade ten, but she doesn't go there. Her family is Christian, but she is really mad at God right now and won't go to church and uses work as an excuse not to go. Two of her grandparents died less than a year ago and she feels like God doesn't care anymore and isn't, or wasn't there for her while she was going through that tough time. I asked her if she will ever go back to church and she said maybe. But, I invited her to our youth group and I am hoping she will come out and try it once we get back there. I am going to try and keep contact with her, but it could be hard since I won't be working anymore. Please pray. It would be much appreciated by me and hopefully God has a plan that involves me and her in the next few months.

Thanks, Allesha


Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Yes, I will Pray.

I would try to give advice, but anything I say would be probably pretty useless. Maybe you could try to get her email? I think I'll just leave this one up to God... and you.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Like Jonathan, I will remember you and Vanessa in my prayers! And also like Jon, I really don't have any useful advice to give on how to handle the situation! So I basically totally agree with him on everything . . . God can handle everything; we just need to leave it to Him!
P.S. That doesn't mean we can't do anything with our VERY little bit of power to try and make a difference! I think it would be cool if she COULD come to Youth! What I'm basically meaning is we need to for sure bring these issues we have to God, and then trust and obey Him completely! P.P.S. And hopefully this comment made sense to you, because it didn't make much sense to me! I'm thinking I'd like some sleep,
soon! Good night!

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch everyone!!

3:11 PM  

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