Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Hey guys, some of you might have heard but I just broke my arm on Saturday while trying to do a backflip off of a horse. So I felt kind of like an idiot. Haha but now I can't go to camp this week nor the next week and maybe even for the next four weeks so that would be pretty rough. But yeah like Sarah said call me too if you guys are doing something
(that doesn't need two arms ;) ) Have a great summer!


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Aw, it sucks that you broke your arm, David! I never broke my arm, before! But then again . . . I don't think I tried doing a backflip off of a horse before! Well, I don't think I remember riding a horse before, either! But yeah, I hope your arm heals, David! And if I'm calling around, I'll remember to phone you up, too! See ya!

6:19 PM  
Blogger davidh said...

sweet, haha actually most people who heard that said "yeah I can see david doing that" oh yeah and melinda I still have your really cool red and black socks

3:05 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

i'm sorry for your loss david...no really!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

kara, i'm sorry for YOPUR loss! i'm still waiting to be hunted down like a wolf in the night!
david, i actually could totally see you doing that, like, not even joking...in my mind, it seems really hilarious...up until you hit the ground...

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the warning david. I guess we all know now what not to do on a horse. You could totally wirte a book on that cause you have first hand experience- or first arm experience . . .

4:38 PM  

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