Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Beachinator Day

Hey everybody, (song) Everybody, Everybody, Everybody (s0ng) It's off Homestarrunner. Lets Get Dangerous!!! Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to meet at the Regina Beach at a time which is to be disclosed to you at a time known only as, THE PHONE TIME! (oooo scary). Equipment needed: undercover diving gear (Snorkle, Goggles, and Flippers), Fish Skin (Swimsuit) The unmoisenator device (towel) Ray Gun Deflector (Sunscreen) Floatation devices (rubber stuff that floats... think of something yourself, who do you think I am your mother?!) and most importantly victuals, pabulum scaramouch (Food you fool). This message will self destruct...eventually.

Command Centre
Captain Beccanator and General Melindanator

Ps For your information Qualm also means agony, pang, throe, nausea, queasiness, sickness, compunction, remorse, uneasiness, twinge, pukish, seasick, sick, squemish


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a side note... that secret mission, you know the one that's a secret. It's coming up pretty soon. As in this Saturday.

Ps. It's actually not a secret at all, Captain Beccanator get's a little carried away sometimes. But it's all gooood.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Sounds like fun times! Guess I'll keep Saturday open! But do you want to call and remind me/give me any more details needed? Awesome! See ya later!

4:53 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

P.S. U R awesome, General Milindanator and Captain Beccanator!

4:55 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oops! I meant to type Melindanator, not Milindanator!

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the FBI is incredibly devious in nature and are actually 100% wrong all of the time. Except when they are right.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yeah Aimee, about those Ray Gun Deflectors . . . I guess mine was defective, seeing as though it was a few years expired! I didn't even know those things COULD be expired! Guess I know now, though!

7:54 PM  

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