Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Everybody pray for Jym!!!!!

Hey everybody, there is a guy named Jym who really needs a whole lot of prayer right now. We had a SEMP follow up meeting on Sunday, and after we went down to Waskana Park to talk to people. God led me to the perfect person - that needs him so increadably much.

His name is Jym ... and he is gay. (Please check my comment on gay people to read what I have learned about them)

Jym is such a cool guy! And from the moment I did that first little magic trick - his eyes lit up and he got just a huge smile on his face - he couldn't help getting cracked up. Jym he believes in God - and Desperatly wants to know him (he did not tell me this but I could tell) but with God comes pain, because he must deny his lifestyle - and he is 55. I have no doubts that God asked me to talk to him for a reason. Jym needs God!!!!

He was totally open to me, and everytime I stopped talking - he would ask questions, and God provided the answers. I explained to him that we are all sinners - it doesn't matter how big your sin is - God is willing to forgive us for that. I had my Bible with me, and I read him the part in Romans where Paul talks about how he even struggled with sin ( what I want to do, I do not do, but it is the sin living in me that does it). I got to explain the whole gospel to him, and I prayed for him. I invited him to church, and got his e-mail (however, the email that I got didn't work).

Everyone please pray for Jym everytime you think of him.

-pray that God will protect him from temptation
-pray that he will have an increadible thurst for God, so that he starts reading his Bible more
-pray that he will flee from sin, places or people that will cause him to sin
-pray that he will have an increadible peace - that God does, and will forgive all of our sin
-pray that I will be able to find out his real e-mail adress, and hopefully meet him again in the park
-pray that he will have the curage to come to church

Most of all - Jym needs support. Through people. But we can also give him support through prayer as well - and he needs a lot.

Thanks a lot everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be praying. It's amazing that you got to meet Jym and that he was so willing to talk to you.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

I basically concur with what Allesha said! It's so awesome that you were able to meet and talk to Jym, and I'll for sure be praying!

7:58 PM  
Blogger bradie said...

i'll be praying for jym too

1:28 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Hey Guys! I heard from Jym today! He emailed me and it was really cool. He said he thought about coming to chuch.. but he didn't think He could.

Please keep praying like crazy for him... he needs it a lot. Also for me... that i will know what to say in my emails to him.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Sounds good, Jon! I'm glad to hear you figured out the entire getting his right e-mail thing!

9:46 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yeah, I don't know if I saw that comment, either . . . and I was here basically ALL summer!

8:00 PM  

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