Saturday, August 20, 2005

Back from camp - and two weeks till Collage!!!

Yes, I am back from camp - and snuff, snuff, tear --- GOING TO COLLAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so glad to get out of highschool... but now I am only doomed to go strait back to the books [mind you, I don't mind so much as I will finally be learning something of value (and it will mostly be God's book that I will be studying)] but ohhhh, the agony!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, so camp was awesome, and I'm really looking forward to spending some time with you guys (o.k., alright, fine - I'll check my daytimer and see if I can squeese in some time with you girls as well. But hey -I'm a busy guy:)!! before I leave you all for eight whole months!!!

Actually - To tell you the truth, I haven't been thinking much about going to school, and it kind of snuck up on me. So, I wouldn't say that I'm nervous - but mabey a little queezy. But hey, I know I can trust God know matter what happens!! (That's just one reason why he's my best friend!!).

If you really want to know what I will miss the most out of anything - It is leaving all you wonderfull people.... right when there is no other other place I'd rather be. For a place that I know very few people - and those I barely know at all (exept my sister). Seriously, I will be missing you guys (and girls) sooooooo much. That is why I am going to try to squeese everything I can out of these two weeks.

You guys, I don't know about you - but I see huge things happening in Regina, Hillsdale (especially our youth group) and most(kind of least) importantly - all of our lives!!! Most importantly - because as (we let) God changes our lives, we will change other peoples lives. Least importantly because we should not be focused on ourselfs, but on others. I am not saying this is even a strength in my life - but I believe that true joy comes when we live to serve others, and focus on other people's needs.

In John 15: 9-17 Jesus told his followers to "remain in my love"... "so that my joy will be in you and that your joy may be complete." How do we remain in God's love? In verse 12 Jesus says "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." (Jesus lived as a servant, and was constantly focused on his lost sheep's needs) verse 17, he repeats the command, "This is my command: Love each other." Jesus repeated that command for a reason - it is a basic Christain principle. But do we take it seriously enough?

I think we should really try harder - because if we do what he says THEN we become his friends. Vs. 14: "You are my friends if you do what do what I command." Interesting enough that Jesus then says (vs. 16) "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."

Wow!! That last phrase is very interesting! "Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name." I'll let you guys think about that one.

Well - I did have a lot of other things to say... but I kinda lost my train of thought
see ya - Jon


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Thanks for the post, Jonathan! Maybe I was totally out of it before, but I seriously didn't notice you posted this thing until I commented on Kiersten's at least a few times! But yeah . . . I know I'll miss you graduated Grade 12s, as well!
So I take it your summer was pretty exciting? If it was, I'm glad! Mine is going pretty well! All the best to all y'alls going off to College/University/Bible School, etc . . . And I guess that also goes for all the High
Schoolers, as well! Well, see you peoples tomorrow!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

Yo Jon, it's awesome that your back! Even though it seems like you will be missing out on stuff here in Regina and at Hillsdale, God has a bigger plan for you at college. There is so much He can do while your there including equipping you and transforming you to be a more effective servant in ministry. As you said it's all about serving others and having a servant attitude, to God, and to others. When we do we will experience true joy that only He can give because time spent serving others and obeying Him glorifies Him.
It's cool how you posted about John 15 because I just read that a couple of days earlier and found it to be so loaded with truth that spoke to me. You wrote about how we can remain in God's love as He has commanded us by loving others. Another way we can remain in God's love is by keeping his commandments, or more simply put, obey Him.
John 14:15
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
Through obedience God's love will abide in us and we can begin to reflect His love to others, loving one another, encouraging each other, and ministering effectively to the lost by showing them His love as we meet their needs.
Think of your time in College as an opporunity to serve in a new mission field, contribute to another part of the Body of Christ, and let God grow and transform you into the man He intended you to be.
Continue to listen to the Holy Spirit for God given desires which are His will; Listen also for needs of others that you may continue to meet them and speak to them as you have done in this post. God Bless!

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Jon. You can still go on the blog when you are at school too. But we will still miss all you former grade twelves.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

I have an apology to make everyone:
I wrote this post just because it was on my mind. I shouldn't have wrote it. Because I am a hipocrite. Lots of times I say say things that I don't do, so I'm sorry everyone, and I hope you'll forgive me. You guys are all so much better than me in this area, as well as many, many others. Lots of times I just open my mouth to talk because i believe what I have to say is important. What I haven't realized is that mabey God puts those thoughts in my head to show me what I need to work on - not you. I just blurt them out just because that is what I'm so used to doing. So I'm sorry guys, please forgive me and ask God to help me overcome my weaknesses.


10:36 AM  

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