Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hey everybody, how's it going today? I am kind of board- don't tell my parents or else I will have chores until the end of the summer. Since I really don't have anything to do I thought I would post a blog. This morning I went to the dentist and now my mouth really hurts. The lady working there really hurt my gums when she flossed my teeth :( Anyway . . . call me if anything is happening today, of tomorrow. I am going for a hair cut and should be home soon. I know, I know. Yes, Kiersten and Alayna, I DID say a hair cut. I am kind of worried about the outcome, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
over and out, Allesha

PS- Alayna . . . are you still sick. I hope not. Please get better. I LOVE YOU!!


Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Dude!!! I totally went to the dentist today as well!!! That is freaky.

I prayed to God that my mouth would be fine because I missed a whole lot of brushing and flossing this year. Last time I went they told me I had some small cavities that might need fillings in the future... but this time they said my mouth was just fine!!!

5:06 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Thanks Allesha for praying for Jym. He is going to need a lot of that.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

By the way... it is young adults tonight... so that's where I'll be tonight.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

YOU'RE going for a HAIRCUT?!?!?! who are you?!?!?! anyways, i'm totally better now, thanks so much for your prayers! i don't know what's going down tonight, but if you have any ideas, write them on the back of a turtle, then send it over to my mother's house...or phone, but that wouldn't be as good...

7:14 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Hey, I got a haircut today, too! I'm so happy you got better, Alayna! As for the whole turtle idea . . . we had to let ours go into the wild! Snappy was getting too big for our tank! So I'm kind of lacking of a turtle to write ideas on the back of and send! How about I just type it right here and now, and hope that you check this thing out? Hmmm . . . Well, we could always watch a movie at someone's house, or we could go to the Leg. and play some ultimate frizbee and/or football, or go for a walk around the lake, or we could . . . I don't have any good ideas of what we could do! Does anybody else have any ideas?

P.S. Are us south-enders going to have difficulties with finding
transportation? Let us wait and see! But if you guys decide to do something, please let me know, because all y'alls are pretty awesome and I love hanging out with ya! Well, thanks, and see you later!

8:08 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

a haircut?!!?? WHAAAAAAT??? NO WAY!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! A HAIRCUT??!?!?!? AAAAAAAAHHH!! NOOOO WAY!! that is hilarious to me. and also to alayna, i'm guessing. yes, yes it is!!

11:49 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oh Caroline, you're pretty much awesome! Love ya! :)

7:59 PM  

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