Monday, October 31, 2005

All Grown Up

aww! Isn't it cute? It's Kara's 16th Birthday today! She's growing up so fast . . . *tear* . . Happy *sniffle* Birthda, Kara!! We love you!! ps: Remember how I gave you your present early? Well, consider it incentive to get your license! eh? eh?? ahaha love ya! Happy Birthday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree- happy birthday to the girl who appearantly has no brain and no personality. jk, you know i love you bunches. or should i say i heart you bunches. have a good one.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

I concur as well. Have a joyful birthday! May it be a fantastic opportunity for God to shower you with His blessings and love. For, He is faithful to those who are a faithful to Him. So expect a whopper of a blessing. (-pickle +mustard, jk!) Thanks so much for the encouragement you have been to me, in shining God's radiant love to all with courage.
God Bless!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Happy Birthday KARA!!!! I hope you an an awesomely wonderful, joyour occasion! Thanks for being such an awesome friend and encouragement to be. Keep the faith alive, God bless,

4:40 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Happy birthday, Kara! I concur with all the others about you; you're awesomely encouraging, and I love ya! Have a great day!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

happy birthday karaluk.
that is all.

11:32 AM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

awww, thanx guys life just wouldn't be the same without you...and NO I am not recycled materials nor can be recycled. I really do apprecite all of you guys, I thank God that I have such good friends! Love you all to the moon and back!

kara faith.

ps. I failed my drivers exam. 22 points. But it's ok, I come to terms with my stupid mistakes and moved on. aha. I'll try again in two weeks. sorry kiersten, I guess you'll have to get yours before me. *tear*

3:44 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

pps. hey guys! I found 5 dollars yesterday!!! (no really, for real this time guys!)I was in 7 Eleven after school and I was walking out of the store and there was a 5 dollar bill on the floor by the door!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you found five dollars? Wow, now you can honestly say that. :)

7:17 PM  

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