Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This is an awesome tree it won an award called Aimee's Awesome Tree Award, AATA for short, yes my sisters and I classified it under the "Spider Tree" category of cool trees!!!


Blogger Kiersten said...

what do i have to do to enter a tree in the aata?? i would like to enter one! under the "climb-erific" category!! ooo pick me! pick me!!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Sounds cool, Ross!
(Is "nineteen odd six" a group you were in or something? Or does it actually mean something; am I just not speaking any English, here?)
Sweet picture, Aimee! I'm happy for it (because it got into the AATA)!

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when I climb trees, i need help getting up cause I am so short and even more help getting down because I am scared of falling and breaking an arm. Alayna- remember that one time when . . well you always remember times we have together. Anyway, remember that one time when we were trying to be stelth and hide in trees and it was really dirty and I was stuck and needed help down. yeah, i remember that. It was almost like it happened this summer. we should make a movie of that. good times that night.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Alayna said...

i hear that loud and clear allesha. how bout this friday?

2:58 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Okay, if you say so, Caroline! From now on, know that anytime I say "nineteen odd six," I mean 1906 (because I will obviously be using it in quite a bit of my everyday usage of English)!

10:15 PM  

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