Thursday, October 20, 2005

pumpkin head

k guys, it's long, but soooo worth it. this is a made-up conversation with God that i pulled from the Brio magazine website. enjoy!

God said: Abbie’s really confused.
I said: It’s no big deal.
Yes, it is a big deal. She’s searching . . . and she’s looking in the wrong direction.
So she’s looking at different religions. She has doubts.
And it’s what she’s doing with those doubts that concerns Me.
I don’t get it.
Christianity can take doubt, My child. Christianity can take every doubt the world cares to toss My way, or it wouldn’t have lasted more than 2,000 years. But it’s when people refuse to give Me their doubts that it becomes wrong.
You mean, You want us to tell You what we doubt about Christianity?
That’s right. How else can I replace those doubts with solid faith? It’s when you harbor the doubt — stuff it inside and refuse to allow Me to walk you through it — that it becomes detrimental.
Okay, then. Here goes. I can identify with Abbie.
Go on.
Well . . . I’m having doubts. Abbie’s talking about other religions and reincarnation and stuff. I don’t know; it sounds interesting.
My child, reincarnation is simply wishful thinking for those whose lives aren’t right with Me. If you want the truth, check out Hebrews 9:27.
Yeah, I guess I could do that. Here it is: “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment. . . .”
How much room does that Scripture leave for the possibility of reincarnation?
That’s right. Reincarnation is a lie from Satan.
But . . . as long as it’s okay to give You my doubts . . . can we keep talking for a while?
Sure. I love talking with you, My child.
Even when I’m not full of praise and all that kind of stuff?
An honest heart is what I’m after. Give Me your honesty.
Okay, here goes. I’m not sure about Christianity, God. I mean . . . how could only one religion be right? Shouldn’t everyone just believe what’s right for himself?
To a serial killer, it’s right for him to kill. Does that mean it’s right in My eyes?
Well, no. But now You’re talking about killing. I’m just talking about religious beliefs.
What you’re really talking about is truth.
Yeah! What’s right and wrong is going to differ from person to person. I should get to decide what’s right for me!
But simply because you decide something, doesn’t make it so.
It should! If I decide it’s right for me to drive when I’m 14 instead of 16, it should be okay.
No. Your thoughts and decisions can’t change reality.
The laws of your land are a reality that state you can’t drive until you’re 16.
But if I decide —
Okay, let’s say you decide you’re the wealthiest person in the world. Guess what — you’re really not. You can decide that all you want, but reality says that’s not the truth.
Oooh. You got me there.
You see, My child, there has to be an absolute truth — a standard of right and wrong — by which everyone can measure his life.
But what if I believe that —
Stop. Listen to yourself. There must be something deeper than your beliefs. There has to be something that goes way beyond your futile thinking, something much higher on which you can base your standards and your lifestyle.
Why can’t I decide that for myself?
Because if everyone decided that for himself, life would be utter chaos. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris decided it was “right” for them to murder innocent students at Columbine High School. But simply because that’s what they decided didn’t make it right. You can’t determine the standard for right. It’s above and beyond you.
Okay, but let’s get back to religion. There must be lots of different truths out there because there are so many religions.
No, My child. There’s one Truth.
Then why all the different religions?
Because people want to distort reality.
I don’t get it.
They want to rationalize the wrong they’re doing and feel good about it. If you search hard enough, you can find a religion to support just about anything.
So I could find a religion that would tell me it’s okay to smoke pot?
You could. And you could find a religion that condones sex outside of marriage — as long as you love the person you’re involved with.
Wow! So what’s the problem?
The problem is reality. Riiber, you can believe what you want, but that doesn’t make it true. You can believe that someday man will evolve into rattlesnakes, and you can start a church that supports that belief, but that doesn’t make it reality. Man will never become a rattlesnake! But you can believe it.
Why would I want to believe something that’s not true?
Hmmm. Good question. So why are you looking at other religions?
Well, how do I know they’re not true? I mean, of course Christianity is true for You, because You’re God. But what if it’s not true for me?
Relativism. It’s the view that there’s not one absolute truth. Everything is relative. Just because something’s wrong for Abbie, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong for you.
Yeah! That’s what I believe! Relativism. I like that!
Doesn’t hold water.
You can’t create truth simply by believing it.
Oh, man! Why do we keep coming back to this?
Because your search for absolute truth is what’s lying beneath all this stuff.
But I gotta know. I really wanna know about other religions. How can I know for sure that Christianity is the right one — that Christianity is the real truth?
There is absolutely nothing we can’t talk about. So let’s do it.
Okay. What about Hinduism? That sounds pretty good.
If you believe Jesus Christ was simply a good person teaching spiritual things, you’ll be attracted to Hinduism. Believers can choose which gods they want to worship, but no one has a personal relationship with any god.
Hmmm. I’d miss the personal relationship part. Is reincarnation part of this religion?
Yes, and the way Hindu believers escape the cycle of reincarnation is by following the right religious disciplines.
So if I mess up and don’t follow the right disciplines, I’m history?
That’s right.
Hmmm. Okay, Hinduism isn’t for me. I believe that Your Son was much more than just a good teacher. What about Buddhism?
Buddhists don’t believe in Me. They’ll tell you there is no God. They’ll also tell you that you can become godlike through spiritual enlightenment.
They’ll tell you that to achieve true happiness, you must separate yourself from material things.

Whoa! I’m not ready to give up my Game Boy or our family’s big-screen TV, or my Rollerblades or —
They don’t believe My Son Jesus was the Messiah, and a good Buddhist is someone who helps others and loves everyone.
But for what? What’s the point?
Abbie says Islam is looking good.
Abbie’s confused, remember? Islam doesn’t believe Jesus was God. They think My Son was simply a prophet.
So who is God?
Islam believers say that Allah is God, and they’ll tell you that you can only be saved through Allah by praying five times a day, making a trip to Mecca, making financial contributions, fasting and confessing your faith.
That’s ridiculous! That’s saying we can earn our salvation. What if I don’t wanna go to Mecca?
Then you’d never make it in Islam.
I guess they’re confused, huh?
Yes. So is Abbie. And so are you.
I don’t want to be confused, Father. I really wanna get it right.
Okay. Then let’s keep talking. You can choose to believe a man-made religion, and you can deceive yourself into thinking you can create your own truth — which, remember, means you also have to create your own reality — or you can simply choose to accept Christianity and know that I really am absolute Truth.
Well, I do believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son, Father. And I do believe that You and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all a part of each other. I don’t understand it all, but I believe it.
So what’s the problem?
Well, I don’t know. I guess I just get all confused when my friends at school start talking about truth and what’s right. I mean, when Katie says, “Just because it’s true for you doesn’t mean it’s true for me.” And when Abbie starts talking about reincarnation and coming back as the queen of some far-off country and that she has the right to believe whatever she wants . . . I don’t know; I just get all confused and don’t know what to say.
My child, you don’t have to know what to say. Your lifestyle will always speak louder than your words.
But . . . still . . . I—
Katie and Abbie are going to search for a while. But as they’re searching, be an example for them in your life and your actions.
Hey! That sounds familiar!
You memorized it back when you were in middle school.
Oh, yeah! It’s 1 Timothy 4:12.
Want to say it again?
Sure! I love that verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Let them see the difference between Christianity and all other religions through how you live your life!
But what do I say when they ask me questions?
Remember, you don’t have to know all the answers. But you should know what you believe and why you believe it. Let’s go through the basics, okay?
Okay. Christianity states that everyone is born with sin.
Right. But you have a choice.
Yeah. I can choose to keep living in sin, or I can ask You to forgive me and start living in obedience to You.
And how do you earn this forgiveness?
I can’t earn it.
But I can get it by trusting You to save me and forgive me and believing that You died for me.
And was death the final act?
No way. You conquered death and sent Your Holy Spirit to live inside me to guide me and to empower me to live a godly life.
It’s so cool that Christianity offers eternal life for free!
It’s because I love you.
Thank You so much, Father.
So are we clear on absolute truth?
Hmmm. Let’s see. I think You’ve written something about that, haven’t You?
Ahhh. Here it is: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). That was Jesus talking. It was You speaking through Him, wasn’t it?
Yes, My child.
Father, I love it that we can talk about anything.
Anything and everything.


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Wow, that post definitely had some pretty powerful stuff in it; Even things that I now realize are going on in my own life and heart! Kinda a long read like you said, but DEFINITELY worth it!

9:20 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

that was awsome...but i don't quite the title...pumpkin head? come on.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

kara, you're a pumpkin head...and i liked your "dream" at aimee's was fabu.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks so much Alayna. That was amazing and I definetly encourage everyone to read it. It is well worth it. I love those stories that Brio does with the God said conversations. It kind of represents our real life and the fact that we can talk to God about anything. I do think that the ending was kind of corny though. But it is all true and it is good because I think everyone is searching and has had some doubt in their lives. Thanks again.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

allesha, i see no corny ending...
but thanks to all who actually read it all...i know it was extreeeemely long, but it's well worth it.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well alayna, of course there is no corny ending when you go and edit the story after I spent practically my whole night reading this story. Thanks alot.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

you're welcome allesha! actually i did you a favour, because now if you read it again you won't have to read the corny ending.

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the corny ending was the girl saying- God about my homework- since we can talk to God about anything. You see, I don't think it was a very good ending for such a great story.

11:37 AM  

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