Thursday, January 19, 2006


This is just some stuff that I felt really compelled to share. I was sitting down at a computer desk at school and I was getting ready to check the blog when I randomly see the 2005 Encyclopedia Britanica sitting there beside me. I open it up and the first page that I turned to was The 2004 Annual Megacensus of Religions. It has some really interesting facts in it and the circumstances that I found them made me want to tell you what they are.
According to the Encyclopedia there are 2,106,962,000 Christians in the world which accounts for 33.0% of the entire population. 1,105,808,000 (17.3%) of those are Catholics, 416,541,000 (6.5%) of those are independents, and 369,848,000 (5.8%) are protestants.
Approximately 273,941,000 of the 328,932,000 people in North America count themselves as Christians.
According to these numbers aboout every one in three people in the world is a Christian and about every 4 out of 5 people in North America is a Christian.
I guess the thing that really stuck out when I was looking at this was that at first glance those numbers don't seem all that bad. Christianity is the most sought after religion in the world and apparently it has a strong foothold on the very continent that we live. The next two most popular religions combined (muslims and hindus) don't even equal Christianity.
Then I got what I think God really intended me to get out of this book.
No matter how well Christianity seems to be doing from a statistics standpoint, reality tells me that in actuality it's not doing that well at all. And if only 1/3 of the population is saved (and that's a very generous figure when you think of all the people who call themselves Christians but really aren't) that means that 2/3 of the population is dieing without being saved.
Then I thought of all the people who I have really made an effort to bring to Christ (not many) and I realized that although I call myself a Christian I am utterly failing in spreading God's word in the continent that should be the easiest to do it.
Reaching out to my non-Christian friends and sharing God with them has always been tough to do even though that's how I was essentially brought to be a Christian. I think that there are definitely more of you reading this who have the same problem as me in talking to non-Christians about Christ.
I'm not sure exactly how to overcome that problem to make it easier but I think that we should all pray, especially as a youth group, to really make outreach a major goal. I know it's always talked about a lot and I know that we all want it to happen but I think that we should all take a self-inspection test and ask how many people we have tried to save in the last few months. I know that I come up short of what I wish and I'm glad that God has taken the opportunity to show me that. There are so many people around me in university that I have a chance to reach out to and it has to start somewhere even if I feel uncomfortable always introducing myself to strangers.
I was talking to Dallas this week and he said that I really have to start letting what I feel God is telling me to do, to happen. If he's telling me to reach out to a friend, which I'm sure he's telling many of you to do as well, then I think that we should start to do that instead of thinking it over and coming to our own conclusions.
It's time to be bold and do what the Lord has asked and we can't be afraid anymore to make a difference in other people's lives.


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Hm. MUST be an echo in here :)
(check out the post just below this one)

8:10 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

You people rock

5:28 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

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3:44 PM  

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