Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and you have a Happy New Year!!!

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to see how you all are doing. I am doing great! Whoa, one of our cats just jumped in the air and spun around a few times. Raiju's hilarious! Anyway, I wanted to say hi and I hope you guys have fun at the New Year's party. I'm not going to be there, as I will be at my Grandparents' house celebrating the New Year with my Aunt and Uncle and the rest of my family. So have fun for me, okay? I will also be having a good time, but I won't be with you guys to shout out "Happy New Year!" That is why I am doing this right now. Get it? (Got it.) Good. Haha, I saw that in a movie just a little while ago. I thought "The Court Jester" was kinda funny. Well, that's basically it. See you guys later!

Count Down


Blogger Alayna said...

know what's fun, translating web pages into different languages! such as this one...and such as sharilyn's post:

Espoir vous avez eu un Joyeux Noël et vous avez une nouvelle année heureuse ! ! !
Hé tout le monde,

Juste a voulu voir comment vous tout faites. Je suis faire grand ! Whoa, un de nos chats juste sautés dans le ciel et tournés autour de plusieurs fois. Raiju hilare ! Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai voulu dire salut et j'espère que vous des types avez l'amusement à la partie de nouvelle année. Je ne vais pas être là, car je serai à la maison de mes grand-pères célébrant la nouvelle année avec ma tante et oncle et le reste de ma famille. Ayez ainsi l'amusement pour moi, correct ? Je m'amuserai également, mais je ne serai pas avec vous des types à crier hors "de la nouvelle année heureuse!" C'est pourquoi je fais ceci en ce moment. Obtenez-le ? (obtenu le.) Bon. Haha, j'ai vu que dans un film juste il y a un peu de moment. J'ai pensé que "le farceur de cour" était un peu drôle. Bien, c'est fondamentalement lui. Voyez-vous des types plus tard !

10:54 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

How do I say "Alayna, you rock!" in French?

11:00 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

alayna, you have waaayyy too much time on your hands...and sharilyn, it's said: Alayna, tu banlancer!;)

11:57 AM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Really? I thought it would be "Tu rocher!"

12:52 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

kara, you're just jealous that i can translate web pages into french, slash, other languages.
and yeah, i know i have too much time on my hands. it's because i've been ditched all week!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Just if anyone thinks that it is crazy cool that Alayna can translate webpages. It is acctually really simple one way is going to

and there you can translate between languages. I use it for french homework! (shhhhhhh!)

Anyways, sorry Alayna but your secret is out! bwahahahaha


5:03 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Okay, so maybe that's how she did it! But I still think Alayna rocks!

5:44 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

alayna, I'm really sorry I've brought up bad memories in your past of you being ditched. My uncle's a psyhciatrist, I could get you in for an oppointment?

ps. It was Kiersten's fault. the end.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

kara, you spelled "appointment" wrong. you are clearly a robot in need of a new spelling and grammar chip, or CD-ROM.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Whoa....the life of a park ranger...sounds dangerous if you ask me!
Happy New Year everyone by the way!
Oh yeah, and just because I feel like it, I give The Chronicles of Narnia 10 thumbs up...wait I don't have 10 thumbs, or do I? Anyways yeah that was the first time I walked out of a movie theater feeling good about myself and the $10 I just spent.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yes, I am with you there, Andrea! That movie definitely deserves 10 thumbs up! Or maybe even 20!

6:08 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

how is it all my fault?? YOU'RE the one who told everybody the wrong theatre! pssh. but I did quite enjoy the movie. it was M-azing.

ps: Alayna, I believe you that you can translate off the top of your head, without the help of one of the thousands of translators the web has to offer, only a click and a copy away. . . really, I do. :)

9:09 PM  

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