Monday, December 19, 2005

Announcement for all people:
we've reached 500 comments!!!!!!!!
thanx to mostly Sharilyn and Andrea, the "Prayer Power" post in June has over 500 posts! congrats Sharilyn and Andrea for your fantastic accomplishment. I encourage you to take a blast from the past, read some random comments and leave a comment or seven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks kara, that is cool to know.

i have a favor to ask all you bloggers. i am doing a power point presentation and i need pictures of friends. i have some, but if you have any good ones you can send them to me.
but please only send a max of three per email if you decide to send a bunch. it takes too long to download on my computer.

sorry about that kara. me with all my writing. i still heart you!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

it's like at mcdonalds, except it's not a billion, just 500 . . . i tried . . .

12:24 PM  

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