Monday, February 27, 2006

this weekend

my family is leaving this weekend so there better be a lot of stuff planned. i'll start things off by opening up my house for a movie or something. probably on saturday. since my brother is having his friends over on friday night. but yeah start planning stuff now, since it is a long weekend (for most of us anyways).
Jordan Taylor


Blogger Andrew said...

yes jt, a movie, with piper snatchels and goomer loyders....
yeah anywayz, going to the mxpx show?

6:35 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

MXPX show? WHERE???

6:55 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

ah poop! There goes another chance to hear a good band...oh well...
People on the Friday Events Ministry Team; when are we getting together to plan that one Friday film thing

7:32 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

lyndon, I'm jealous.

7:33 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

aaand on Saturday would be perfection. yes, I am the minority of losers who has to go to school on thursday and friday. what? what? why don't you say that to my face, Jordan? and Rachael, you tell 'em - something more creative than a movie- speak it, don't stop. haha lyndon, I love it.

9:14 PM  
Blogger bradie said...

flesh it!

need i say more?

9:44 PM  
Blogger JordanT said...

what other creative ideas are you thinking of. im not the creative one. and andrew its not lookin good for the show but im still tryin.

10:38 PM  
Blogger JordanT said...

and Kiersten.... i can only feel sorry for you and think about you having to sit in class while im sitting in front of the tv.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Die? Clearly there was no "die!" in the comment just above, Lyndon! What kind of echo is this!? Anyway, yes, I would also like to do something, this weekend. I'm alright with a movie, although sometimes it is nice to do something a bit different. As for ideas of what else we could do . . . I haven't the foggiest. I'm trying to think of ideas, but none are comin', so I'm gonna catch some z's and I'll keep ya posted if I think of something that we may enjoy doing. Until then, good night.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Come On Jordan!
not some nerdy soccer game or something, you can pull a few strings!!!.....unless your not stong enough.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:07 PM  
Blogger JordanT said...

ive heard we should do something other than a movie but i haven't heard any ideas. ideas would be nice. i just found out that i will have dance dance revolution with two pads if that jumps out at all.

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jordan, we are baptist. that means no dancing. what are you a rebel or something?

and who keeps deleting comments? honestly.

kiersten, you really need to play up the days where you don't have school. i am pretty sure it all evens out.

but anyway, yes i am down or up or in, but not out for saturday whatever that may include (except supper, which i have to make)

6:30 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yes, ideas WOULD be nice. I've been told by my family that I'm pretty creative, so I suppose I'll try to think of some ideas of what we could do and you guys can choose what idea you like the best (if you like any of my ideas), okay? Alrighty then, here I go...

We could play sports, play board games, play card games, stick with the usual idea of watching a movie, prepare a random potluck get-together, go tobogganing (unless it's totally freezing cold outside, even though we could still go if we really wanted (and then the hot chocolate afterwards would probably taste really good)), have a campfire-slash-worship idea going on, have a random Bible study, make encouragement notes and bring cookies so we could randomly give our friends a bit of cheer for the weekend...


Have a snowball fight, have a bring-a-friend night when we could all try bringing a friend who usually doesn't hang out with us and we could just chillax together, go and relax at one of our houses or Tim Horton's or something...


Make a movie, take random pictures, play games like Red Rover and Hide and Seek in the park (as long as it's not dangerously dark outside or anything)...

And this is where I finally run out of ideas. There, NOW are you happy? Haha, just kidding, it's all good. Okay, I'm done. If anybody likes any of these ideas and/or if you have any of your own, I highly recommend that you comment. Thank you and goodbye.

7:46 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

whooa, slow down there turbo! haha...I'm quite impressed sharilyn!

so are we doing something fosho on Saturday night? I say that we put all of Sharilyn's ideas all into one event and it can be called "eventus!" haha! get it? "e-vent-US!" ahahhahahahaha....*cough, cough*

8:22 PM  
Blogger JordanT said...

kara its EASY THERE TURBO not slow down turbo. if your going to use my sayings you got to use them right.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

um, lyndon, that's WHY we're planning something, because FINALLY you're gone. come on. honestly.

and I like some of Sharilyn's ideas, ie the picture taking one, which is one of my goals for this year is to get everyone together for a big photo shoot in Wascana park in the spring . . . and Allesha, there is no POINT in "playing up" the days that I have off, because NO ONE else does, it just doesn't sound as good. plus, ddr is NOT dancing, it's jumping around making fools of yourselves and laughing when other people look stupid hitting those pads with their feet. clearly.
but, i dunno, movie would be ok, too . . . i guess it all depends what people are up for. . .

12:43 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

what are you people talking about...DDR's are awesome! Haha...unless you're like me who selects the hardest level on BOTH pads right in front of all the jr. high youth leaders...oh dear.
But DDR is fun! And the photo one, just let me know ahead of time so I can buy a disposable (yes the cheap ones because I'm not allowed to print a whack off the comp. from my digital cam and use up all the ink)
Speaking of Saturday...who's going to Alex and Steph's wedding???

4:41 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

i'm always happy with a movie and some chat-age or long as it's NOT DDR, i have no problems. two words: FORCED RYTHYM. i mean, come on, who does that. (represent kiersten!)

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kiersten i am hurt. it is like you just stabbed me through the heart like four or five times. (i lost feeling after the third so i am not quite sure) but if i were you, i would go with the idea of laughing at everybody on your days off while watching us through a window.

sharilyn, your amazing!! those ideas could last a very long time. i say no to timmy ho's for a very long time cause every time we go there, we always have to leave because of the lack of room.

i like the "random pictures" idea. i love those.

4:07 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

hey, was anything decided for this weekend?

10:33 AM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

I haven't heard anything about what we're exactly doing - slash - when we're getting together, although various people either stated and/or implied that they want something to happen.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

i'm sorry, allesha, i love you. it was really just poking fun . . . no harm intended . . . are we still friends?? and i vote that we should do a movie . . . i dunno, it's easy. and if it's nice out, we should do some picture-taking, that'd be sweet. :)

5:01 PM  

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