Sunday, March 12, 2006

Just a thought

Hey guys I was just thinking today about how amazing it is what God has been doing in our youth group! Honestly it's so encouraging to see how evident God's work is in our youth program. It has definately come a very long way since i was in grade 9. It's cool seeing how people are becomming drawn closer and closer to God and want and long to do his will. I am so encouraged see you young guys rising up and becomming leaders! It is so good knowing that when things are going bad there is a whole group to support you and help you through. I love how everyone is so crazy but yet there is also a serious side which is so comforting to go to for support. I just wanna thank you guys for being there for me, because i appretiate you guys so much and don't know where i would be if i didn't have your guys support. Please keep praying for me, that i would be able to minister to the people around me that have such hard hearts, and for whats going on for next year, as well as business and grad comming up. That sermon today was really encouraging, knowing that i shouldn't give up on my friends even if their hearts are very hard and closed to the gospel. God Bless.
Your Brother in Christ,

Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58


Blogger JordanT said...

Lyndon i was looking through the book of Jeremiah today and one verse came up that is helping me with my plans for next year.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

10:03 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Thanks for that post, Lyndon. I'll be praying for ya.

I totally agree with you; I see our Youth Group a lot differently than I saw it when I was younger. Pretty much you covered all the bases of which I was going to comment on.

All in all, you people are really encouraging to me. Sometimes I get to see the wild side of you, which I enjoy to see, but I also find it quite comforting to know that the group is serious when we need to be. Let's keep pressing on, spurring each other forward, and encouraging each other as we keep in this thing together.

10:08 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

yeah, it's so amazing how great our youth group is! I was talking to my friend from trekschool and they only get like 8-11 people at caregroup, and more on fridays...just there for the fun. she was so amazed that I had more then a couple christian friends that really try at their faith and don't just say they're christians. But there's a ton of people in our youth group who go sooo deep with God and eachother. we are so lucky for this and we should thank God everyday for eachother! Our youth group is also the perfect place to invite our non-christian friends out to. A few years ago I was afraid to bring my non-christian friends out to youth because they might not feel accepted, or people wouldn't reach out to them, but now, so many people make it their job to meet the new people that come to youth. that's awsome guys!!!

12:18 PM  

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