Thursday, August 10, 2006

something new...

So I had this REALLY wierd dream last night!

So I was WALKING along this road and all of the SuDdEn...these really colorful nuns jumped out in front of me and said "you must change the rings on your shower curtain, they are really old and need to be updated!" So they sent me on a mission!

So I just kept leeping along and there was this paintball on the ground SO I did what every 70 year old would do...I ate it!

Then I met two sumo wreslers!

So I saw this lodge, after I escaped the glares of the sumo wrestlers and i went into it and there saw this bird...

And the last thing I can reember is a green pool...

The end!

(Actually, there was no dream, just random pics from clydehurst, what an awesome week!)


Blogger bradie said...


12:48 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

does this mean you got the pictures working on your computer? Chantelle said you guys were having difficulty

11:57 AM  
Blogger bradie said...

we got a few, but are missing a great number of other amazing pictures

10:00 AM  
Blogger Bobby said...

That was like one of those stories that you keep going and going and people think it is going to get somewhere but then after a long time it just ends.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

that's like the Fantastic 4 movie and Napolean Dynamite movie. Although both are indeed funny and humorous to quote.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Was fantastic 4 good? I thought the trailer made it look like a joke of a movie, because if it acctually had a plot it would be cheeeeeeeeesy!

11:13 AM  

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