Monday, June 06, 2005

Prayer Power #2!!!

Isn't great how God answers prayer? I think this blog is a great place to post prayer requests.

I would like to encourage everyone who reads this to try to set aside time each day to pray. Pray for your friends, teachers, the school board, and anyone who has authority over other people in Regina. Most importantly pray for revival in Regina.

I was talking with Rob Korsch a while back, and he was saying how we rarely pray against things in our lives(or city). There are some things that we NEED to pray against if we want to see revival: Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Immorality(just to name the major ones).

These things are nothing more than traps set by the Devil. I'm sure you can all think of someone in your life that has fallen captive to at least one of them. We NEED to include these things in our prayers. This is also one of the huge reasons why we need to pray for our authorities.

"For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

This verse mostly regards spiritual authorities (i.e. the devil, demons). We need to pray for God and his angles to interfere with the Devil's plans for Regina (which is corruption). BUT, we also need to pray for the authorities in our schools, city, and country to take strong stands against the immorality taking root in our Society.


Nothing is going to change if we don't ask God to see it through.

-Pray that our schools will start taking strong stands on issues like alcohol, drugs and Sexual immorality

-Pray that the police, and city, national authorities crack down on use of drugs.

-Pray that God will send his fire from heaven to destroy places of immorality.

-Pray that God will bring judgement on those who promote, and influence others toward immorality.

-Pray that God will provide amazing, influential people to lead things like IVCF, ISCF, business people to start things like a Christian radio station, and people of wisdom to be pastors and ministers.

One of the things that has been on my mind lately is the Grade 12 Stag and Stagette parties that everyone is talking about at school, and all the immorality that will likely be happening. The ones at Sheldon will be happening Tuesday and Wednesday.
I think we should pray that these parties will be a disaster. And that they would have to be cancelled, or that God will do something to stop some of this immorality that is going on.

Thanks alot guys,



Blogger Sharilyn said...

Thanks for the post, Jonathan! Yeah . . . I know I sometimes try praying for these things, but sometimes I doubt my own faith, just because God seems to be answering "No" or "Not yet" quite often! It's encouraging to know others are praying, too . . . because, as the Bible says, it is better for many men to gather and pray, rather than just one man . . . even though one man's faith can apparently make a ton of difference! Well, thanks for the thoughts once again, Jonathan! Glad to know you were thinking about that . . . I sometimes do, too!

8:30 PM  
Blogger Jonathan D. said...

Well, I don't know if anyone will be reading this, but I'll post it anyway.

WoW oh WoW! I can't explain to you how much God works through prayer. This week alone I have seen God work in numerous, specific ways. God is so good! I hope all of you "Cast all your anxieties on him because he CARES for YOU." God is working - I have seen it.

Please continue to pray for my Friends - especially the one who I told how to become a Christian. Thanks a lot.

Anyhow, with Stag and Sagette - A.J., that's really cool how you went to the Campbell Sagette party. I'm glad it's not just a drink/drug-fest like it seems to be at Sheldon. As for the Campbell guys Stag, I heard it was pretty bad too. The guys getting kicked out of the place after an hour or so? That's too bad.

About, the Stag and Stagette at Sheldon, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. In fact, I didn't really hear about anything very bad - except people getting completely wasted, and no one was hurt(that I know of),except for a guy that got mild hypothermia.

And the Co-stag party? It's tonight – and it turns out that hardly anyone is going! They have had big problems with booking camp sites, and some other things as well. It's mostly just the big partiers that are going. [At least a couple of these are on my prayer list.]

I know this "praying against people" seems pretty radical, and I myself do not want to "pray against anyone", especially people at school. But we should pray that God uses this as a time to bring judgement, and hopefully bring people(maybe scare people) out of the traps the Devil has set up. These "traps" are after all what can keep people away from God. I can think of couple Christians off the top of my head that this has happened too - good friends of mine. I might even be so bold as too mention one – Mike Sobchuck.

Thanks a lot,

4:56 PM  

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