Thursday, January 19, 2006

Filling in the Gaps

Guys I found this and I felt I should share it, it definitely made me think.

In early January I gassed up the car and headed into the desert. Just past Moab, Utah, I pulled into a truck stop to buy a few items and bumped into the New Testament on CD as narrated by James Earl Jones. Nineteen hours of passing the time, I thought to myself, as I bought the set. Given my new interest in Jesus, I thought my driving time would be well spent learning more about Him. Thirty hours later, I rolled into Indianapolis with the last chapter of Revelations coming to an end and a new chapter of my life just beginning.
It's interesting how the human mind fills in gaps where information is missing. For example, when we see a portion of a familiar picture, our mind automatically fills in the rest of the image. Or if we read a familiar text, our mind fills in the words of a sentence before we actually read them. Likewise, I automatically filled the gaps in my understanding of the Bible's stories. I assumed I understood Christianity. However, after listening to every word of the New Testament during my drive to Indianapolis, I became aware of how little I REALLY knew.
This experience helped me realize that I never actually understood the Bible. I only knew a distorted version, created through conversations, occasional reading of a passage or two, and by filling in the gaps. After hearing the Word from beginning to end, I was able to begin understanding the Bible's intended message.
Don't make the mistake I did by relying on your own concept of the stories in the Bible. Make an effort to consistently spend time reading the Word of God and you'll be amazed at how a distorted version of the Bible can become crystal clear.


Blogger Joshua said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Amen to this post and these comments! It seems like the hardest struggles in Christianity from young people to old is spiritually discipling yourself to spend dail time in God's Word! Sometimes it seems like you can tell a person a million times that they need to nail this devotional time thing and read/study daily but until the Holy Spirit begins the conviction process in the individual's heart they will not want to. If we really want to be somebody for God we have to have a daily relationship with Him.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Everything that I wanted to say has already been said. So I will say thanks for the comments and the post; what an encouragement you all are when you help and challenge me to keep
"diggin deeper with God!"

12:07 AM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Wait was this Kara that did this or a story about someone else?

12:41 AM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

nope, this was someone else.

7:15 PM  

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