Sunday, February 05, 2006

"It's all down hill from here..."

hey, just a quick post:
The leaders of ISCF (inter-school-christian-fellowship) around Regina have planned an event to put the inter back into ISCF. We're all pretty pumped so you all should come out and support ISCF!!! What it is, is sledding @ Mount Pleasent on Tuesday at 7pm. And afterwards there is going to be hot chocolate and some fellowship and such at the Reimer's house. Yes, that's about it. It'll be a come!
any questions? comment!


Blogger Sharilyn said...

No questions. Just a commment. I would like it if I could make it. Sounds like fun times. Hope to see ya there!

10:22 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Yeah I think Joshyboy and I can go, lots of people at the Thom ISCF are busy with quizzing though, but the ones that can make it will come

5:02 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

i would go, but alas, i have no form of transportation.

5:05 PM  

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