Friday, February 03, 2006

thinking . . . thinking . . .

I'm thinking that there was something semi-important going on today . . . some event, or possibly a momentous occasion . . . oh man, I just can't figure it out. oh well. couldn't have been THAT important, I guess . . .

just jokes, jordan. happy birthday.


Blogger kara dee. said...

hey, I forget what I was going to say.....

3:17 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

...oh yeah,


3:18 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...


A pile of apples tumbling to the floor.

"I must have picked up the wrong apple from the fruit stand as I caused an applelanche."

3:25 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

...and he was so pickled that he was hard of herring.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

what are you talking about? honestly. i CAN'T understand you!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Jordan! Hope you have an awesome day!
(and since Aimee mentioned...Happy Birthday to my daddy...who doesn't read the blog but that's ok!)

4:30 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Happy Birthday, Jordan! You're a very cool guy! And a Happy Birthday to you too, Mr.Winters!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

at first i thought kara was just having a really bad day for spelling, then i realized that she was telling a joke. ha.
anywho, happy late birthday jordan.

10:46 PM  

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