Saturday, January 28, 2006


I thought it would be pretty sweet for people to just put up prayer requests they have! I just thought it would be cool to see what people want prayer for and how I/we all can pray for you guys. It says in the Bible to Pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17) so why not pray right now for these requests? I encourage people to pray for these things right now rather then later so they don't forget.


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Wow, that is amazing that you posted that just when I needed it, Lyndon. My day has definitely been filled with some trying times (but it's also been kinda good too, so overall I would say I'm almost alright). I think the type of prayer I could use most is for me to be thankful and joyful no matter what I'm going through. I'm not even going to start getting into details right now because the issues are kinda personal to some members of my family, and I'm not sure if I have the right to share what I feel about their choices (which obviously affect me and my emotions). I will say that the issues are really getting to me, and I need the strength to walk with light even in the midst of darkness. Yeah, I wonder if this is making any sense whatsoever. I'm hoping you understand me, because that's about as clear as I can make this comment...basically clear as mud.

Anyways, enough about me . . .

Thanks for the post, Lyndon! You are
M-Azing! I'll for surely be praying for people as soon as I see their prayer requests mentioned. Plus, I will try my best to remember you all during the day :) Just remember, constant prayer can be done everywhere! (Sorry, just had to make myself smile. Yeah, I'm kinda hurtin' right now...)

Alrighty then, I'd better get some sleep before tomorrow rolls around. I'd like it if I could wake up in time for Church. See ya there!

11:47 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Hey Guys
I was wondering if you could pray for me about a decision I have to make regarding Sunday School. My mom was wondering if I'd like to help her out with her Sunday School class (gr.2's) and I'd start in a few weeks. Although I really enjoy the sr. high Sunday School class I would like to be at both. I really want to be able to serve by helping out with the gr. 2's and my mom, but I'd like to be able to learn more through the sr. high Sunday school classes.
So if you could pray that God would just guide me and help me to make the right choice about that, I only want to do His will and if that means giving up sr. high sunday school classes that's ok, but if He wants me to stay, pray for someone to come along to help with the gr. 2's.
Thanks for your prayers,
God bless,

3:01 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

k, i'm so confused about where to go after high school. i want to go to BC, but the reason i don't is because it's so far. then i want to stay here because it's close to home, but i don't want to stay here because i want a challange. arg, it's so frustrating!

6:26 PM  

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