Thursday, April 06, 2006

Name the song/band/group (not sure if I would classify them as a band)

"You know who's doin' it?
No, who's doing it?
God is doing a new thing!" repeat x Lots

Yeah, so, I was bored!


Blogger Joshua said...

My guess is dc Talk's Luv is a Verb.

5:50 PM  
Blogger JordanT said...

i think it's dc Talk- Nu Thang.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

Hmmm...I bet your right Jordan. I know the first two lines are in Luv is a Verb, but I don't remember the last one that's repeated lots. At least I got the right band! :)

6:16 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yaeh, taht's ture, at laset you got the rhgit bnad. But I wlound't konw bescuae I nveer hread the snog bfroee. Sirahyln (taht's me) is aslo vrey beord. I tinhk I'm aslo vrey terid. My sllpenig is a bit off :)

12:19 AM  
Blogger Bobby said...

you guys got the group, but i won's say the song untill there are a few more guesses!

3:44 PM  

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