Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pool Party

There is a pool party next week at the Reimers house...please tell me days and times that would work well for you :)


Blogger bradie said...

i'll pencil you in...not sure i can make it, with my busy schedual and all. you know how it is...

8:28 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

I'm gonna be kinda busy, too. But if you let me know what's going on before-hand (like a day or two in advance) then I can probably make it. Until then, I'll be getting ready for Briercrest and spending some last-minute time hanging out with my sister and the rest of my family. Let me know when this is going down, and we shall see if I can make it or not.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Make it before friday I would prefer.

10:34 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

sunday or monday would be awesome cuz I'm not working!!!

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am not working this sunday either, but i am not sure of my schedule for next week. me and andrew are out for tuesday though.

7:18 AM  
Blogger Ross said...

monday,tuesday or wednesday afternoon works even better for me and a few others I beleive.. just a thought

9:29 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

ya ross, what?

6:15 PM  

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