Sunday, September 18, 2005

hills and mountains are really just the earth's pimples.

I just want to thank everyone involved with planning the suprise party (even though word got out about it). It was soo much fun, and i'm so glad that lots of people were able to come. It was wicked awesome, and you guys rock!!!
A-Town from the east side.
President of the Pop-Tart Gang (not affiliated with the streudel sistahs)
P.S. Andrea, i can't believe you actually snipped those wasps, you are incredible.


Blogger Kiersten said...

you are welcome, dear. i'm glad that it was fun! sorry about the suprise not being a suprise. note to steven: don't tell Dallas next time, slash plan the party for TWO people only. that is all. go clean my house now.

ps: remember when we started note to steven? that was a good day. . .

5:40 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

oh yes, the day we started note to steven, and the kitchenette, and slash or dinette. it was good times for all...and noodle salad.
we must plan another day of randomness, preferrably when it's a bit nippy out, so we can plug in an electic heater.
the end

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Yeah, happy birthday, all you who were the partiers of your birthday! Awesome time . . . except for that one particular wasp not liking me so much! But it was so worth being there! What a great party! Whoo!

7:02 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

Is your finger ok? sheesh! you'd think all those wasps were attracted to something... a day of randomness sounds fun, can I come?

8:03 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Well, I'm not dead yet, so I think that's a good sign! It's all good! And I concur with you, Kara . . . a day of randomness DOES sound like fun!

8:44 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Indeed that was an awesome time at Candy Cane Park! Alayna, Rachael, Aimee you guys rock...and lookin' good with the bling bling by the way...good times!
Sharilyn I'll have to teach you the art of the scissors so you can snip the wasps in the air! It's quite fun and amusing... well maybe cuz I took forever to actually get one but it's all good!

5:39 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oh, I must have missed the tree being climbed by the sweater part of the party! But yeah, haha at your joke, Caroline! Puns are quite amazing and amusing . . . just like you!

6:13 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Indeed they are! Good job Aimee on whacking the tar out of the pinata after it fell, and good job Bradie and Becca on being so stealthy! For a while I thought my bag of clothes actually flew away! You guys rock!

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Caroline, This is the story of how your swearter climbed a tree. Some people- who I won't mention- decided to take everyone's things and tie it to the trees. Who knows why, but it looked pretty funny. Anyway, i am in computer class and it is almost lunch time, so over and out. :)

11:42 AM  

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