Tuesday, October 04, 2005

High Sr.Hi it's Chantelle back in the day and here i am speaking too well to get technichal i'm typing but whatever see ya later (doesn't this picture not look like me at all?)
I used to be so cute NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Well kind of......ya, that's it! later!
- Chantelle


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oh Aimee, you joker, you! (I still love ya, though!) Cute picture, Chantelle!

8:21 PM  
Blogger Alayna said...

loves it.

9:30 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

what!?! ug, work last night....I don't think I've ever spilt so much icecream on me in such a short amount of time.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oh, you worked last night, Kara? You work at the South end DQ, right? My grandma and I went through the drive-through last night, so maybe I saw you - maybe!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Kiersten said...

it totally looks like you chantelle, don't even try to deny it!!!

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bradie and Kym can have a good day, but not you Cnantelle. It isn't allowed. Who are you trying to fool, I know your secret.

8:37 AM  

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