Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weird Dreams...

So, the other night I had a weird dream. I dreamt I was giving Allesha a ride home, but since she lived on the other side of the city I needed to get on the Ring Road. So I'm driving, and it feels like I'm going very slow, and everyone is passing me. Then the next thing I know is that I am trying to drive up a tree. Yes, it was a large pine tree, and I was trying to go up it. Well, I got some good momentum, so I was actually a quarter of the way up when I lost power and we started sliding backwards. and as I was sliding backwards I remembered that I was driving my Honda, and it's a standard. So I look down, and sure enough, I'm in first gear. And that explained why I was going so slow on the highway, and why I can't drive up the tree properly! That's where my dream cut off, and I actually never did figure out how my dream ended. So, if anyone can apply this morning's Sunday School lesson and interpret my dream for me...


Blogger Sharilyn said...

Oh, wow! To be honest, Caroline, I don't think I can interpret your dream for you! It kind of reminds me of that one joke thing that we were reading, on Friday! You know, the story of the lady with the crashing and the trees and the air freshner! The thought of that story still makes me laugh! But yeah, getting back on topic . . . Yeah, I had a weird dream last night too, but I can't remember exactly what it was about! All it know is it was pretty random and really crazy! Yeah, the end!

2:44 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

...I had this one dream where I was in the Riemer's house...

3:30 PM  
Blogger Sharilyn said...

Whoa, really!? Did you have it last night?

3:58 PM  
Blogger Joshua said...

Well, I don't have a gift of interpreting dreams but I can critically analyze it from spiritual persepective...

You driving your car is a symbol of your walk in this life. You driving your car with Allesha simply means that you are doing something in your life with her as you walk in this life. Your slow progress means that you are both feeling...enthralled in the event with each other...then the tree represents an obstacle that you must overcome during this event with each other. It would seem natural that the obstacle is something that if overcome, would bring you two both closer together spiritually. And so during this event you are in first gear which represents the spiritual depth of the conversation during the event. The realization of being in first gear represents a nudge from the Holy Spirit to initiate a deeper spiritual conversation which would be like shifting gears. Also, because the tree is perpendicular to the ground, it represents how if you succeed in this feet of growing spiritually deeper with Allesha, you will also grow into a deeper relationship with God, as you move higher towards the goal (up the tree)of reaching Christ in your spiritual walks. The ending or lack thereof is important too. Since you don't know the outcome, it represents a choice to either shift up and go deeper with Allesha and God relationally or let it slide back down while remaining in first gear and maintain the level of friendship that you have with her.

And so the choice is left up to you call her up and say, "Hey. Let's study a chapter of the Bible over a cup of orange juice", or maybe, "Hey. Let's get together for breakfast and then do devotions together.", or possibly even, "Hey. Let's go to Blessings and pick up a Bible Study for Women written by Cynthia Heald, and begin to go through it together each week."?

Depending on your choice, Allesha may have an odd dream tonight.

7:16 PM  
Blogger kara dee. said...

Whoa, that was awsome.

8:21 PM  

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