Sunday, September 17, 2006

Youth retreat

Here are some of the things that went on this weekend. All I can say is what a blast!!!!!
(I figured out that Ross loves secret layers)
(How much I hate feet)
(Bernards creepyness shows again)

(Andrea is a great grandma and grandpa)
(Riely, Ross, Taylor, and Dallas love cold water)

What a blast this weekend was I wanna give a shout out to Dallas, Bernard and all the leaders for making this weekend happen.


Blogger Bobby said...

Ross also dresses in layers!

9:52 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I agree, thank you Bernard, Dallas and youth leaders for such an amazing retreat.
Chantelle did you get my skit on video?

6:37 PM  
Blogger Raelynne said...

Chantelle, remember to send me more of the pictures! Please.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

thanks for the CD Chantelle

9:55 PM  

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