Sunday, February 25, 2007


yes, that is right. peeps are going sledding tonight (sunday) at mount pleasant @ 8:00-:8:15ish (sorry we moved the time due to the missons spice on rice thing). everyone is welcome! you should come too. why? because if you didn't, you'd miss out on some down to earth good times. Well, it's all downhill from here, so bring your sled, put on your toque, and don't


ps. any questions, call me, my numbers in the phone book

pps. if you don't have a sled, don't worry, I'm bringing a couple extra

ppps. I really don't have anything else to say, I just don't think I've ever used a ppps.

Monday, February 19, 2007


So I was talking to Dallas the other day and we were talking about how it is hard (i find) to stay on track with my devotions and to get them done. But then Dallas brought something to my attention its not the fact of "hey im behind on my devos" or "wow I'm not on track" but its wheter we are enjoying our time with God and getting something out of our quiet time. As Dallas mentioned in Sunday school how one day he just sat down and prayed and it ended up going on for 3 hours. Just to think how God will change you and move you as you spend more time with him whether it is reading your bible praying, or journalising your thoughts to him etc.
So yeah I was just thinking about that today and how God can use the littlest time you give him or the longest time you give him to do something amazing....any thoughts?


Friday, February 02, 2007

new post, new post!!!

so, if you guys haven't noticed, there hasn't been a new post on this blog for a long time, or if you tryed to post, blogger wouldn't let you. It probably didn't even let you sign in to see your dashboard. What Blogger has done from my understanding, is somehow join with Gmail and Google. So now Blogger is requiring you to have a Google account and then sign onto the New Blogger. weird, huh? Well, signing in to blogger today, intending to post on my personal blog (that hadn't changed over yet), it turned out that blogger changed my other blog to the new blog, and therefor it offered, or I like that I was forced to get the Gmail account. So I did. and therefor I was given back the right to post on the youth blog.
If this was just a jumble of words to you with a few "blogger" and "Google"s thrown in there...sorry for confusing you.
My advice, if you are having problems posting and such, just get the Gmail account when it offers it to you, and nothing else will change. If you are not having problems, just get up and do a little jig or something, okay?
if you have any questions, just comment on this post or email me or something.
good luck.