Matthew 28:19
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Jesus has commanded us to make disciples of all nations. There are so many people in this world that are not living for Christ! Straight to the point, these people are going to Hell when they die! We need to be sharing the gospel with these people becuase the last thing I want to know is that someone is in that place forever when they didn't have to be, had they only heard the gospel. Let's set aside our fears and be bold, courageous, and determined to preach Christ, and Him crucified to the unbelieving.
This is something that God has been teaching me this week. I have often been afraid with the fear of man and just plain scared to talk to people about God at many a time. Yet, what is more important? My personal comfort? Or an unbeliever's eternal destination? God, give me courage and help me overcome my fears!!!! I really like this quote that I heard in a sermon the other day. "Courage isn't the absence of fear but the conquering of it!" Even Paul admits that he felt this fear while in Corinth.
1 Corinthians 2:3
"I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling,"
Paul wasn't just somewhat fearful, he had much trembling! Yet he preached the gospel with courage anyway.
Revelation 20:15
"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
It kills me to think that anyone would ever have to go there. Out of sheer compassion, because of our knowledge of the terrible fate of the unsaved, we should be willing to step out of our comfort zones and share the gospel with the unsaved.
Our willingness and obedience in sharing the gospel with the unsaved is a reflection of how much we love God...whether we are willing to obey Him. I pray that we would all experience God in a way that would give us the perfect love for Him that casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18)
Do we have time to build up relationships with people just so we can feel comfortable in sharing the gospel with them? What if the friends with whom we hope to build up a good relationship and share the gospel with die before they completely trust us? What if today was the last time you saw a person before they died? Would you care about not offending them with the truth? I know that if I knew someone was going to die soon in ignorance and unbelief, I would plead with them from the bottom of heart to believe in His name! The people we know aren't garaunteed their next breath! May compassion set our hearts ablaze to reach the lost!
For me it all comes back to fear. In a sermon I listened to this week I was challenged greatly regarding overcoming the fear of man.
For $1000 per person, would you be more zealous to witness to people? I know I would be! Would you be more zealous to witness to people for money then for God? I hate to think that for a $1000 I would have an easier time sharing the gospel with a stranger than I do right now! Could you deal with your fear of man problem for the love of money when you can't deal with it for the love of God?
That's where I was hit right between the eyes this week. If the fear of man, what he will think, say, or do hinders us from sharing with others, are we not fearing man more then Almighty God who commands us to make disciples of these people?
Let's Get Evangelizing! Togethor we can challenge each other in this! Forget about not knowing what to say to people, and listen to the Holy Spirit, as we plead with the lost, that they may come to the Light and escape the eternal lake of fire!